Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Colds and such

Many things have happened since I last updated, including a trip to Melbourne, a cyclocross race, and my first time skiing. Very eventful times indeed.
Been off the bike for 2 weeks, caused by a combination of weddings/travel and the worst cold I've had in years. Sound like an old smoker...
I'm a lot closer to getting my new bike: had a frame fit with Steve Hogg and the plans are off with Tarn, who is working out tube sizes etc. I've got nearly all the parts I need now, just waiting for the headset and seatpost to arrive. Getting very excited.
Also, other news. Which can wait.

Friday, July 1, 2011

A decision; a purchase.

Maybe the only upside of having cancer is that I don't have cancer anymore. I've been to see the oncologist, and assuming my scans come back clear, I should be okay for the moment. I have to see the oncologist every two months for the next few years, becoming less frequent up to five years. If any of these checkups (blood tests/scans) show anything up, then I'll have to undergo a full course of chemotherapy. That I do not want.

So I've decided that life is too short, and I'm going to get a custom made bike frame built. I'm still deciding on who will build it for me, but I know it'll be good. Thanks be to me wonderful wife for going along with the harebrained scheme.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

More of the same.

Life continues on as ever. Back riding to work a couple of times a week, and hanging out with my bike mates a little bit.
I'm booked in to see the oncologist in just over a week. Might have to have radiation or chemotherapy. This worries me.
But on a happy note, Rachel and I have been married for two years. We went out for an amazing dinner at a French restaurant in the rocks and stayed in the city for the night. It was a fantastic night, and a great way to celebrate two years married.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Just shy of 6 weeks since my operation. I think I'm nearly fully recovered, but I'm going to take it easy for a bit longer. I really don't want to rush into anything and cause an injury. Still coming to grips with the whole thing emotionally and mentally.

Also, Rachel and I went to a wedding in Dubbo. We also went to the zoo.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Shock to the system

About a week ago I was diagnosed with testicular cancer. After a bunch of scans and tests and specialist visits, yesterday I went under the knife and had my left testicle and all associated plumbing removed. It was all contained, but I'll only know for sure once I get the second round of blood tests back in a few weeks.
Big shocks. Big.
And somewhere during all that I had my first time on the velodrome... Loved it.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Blue Mountains

Spent the weekend in the mountains with my gorgeous wife. Sometimes it feels like those small country towns are in a timewarp.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I actually hit 2300km on the Surly the other day. Even better!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Racking up.

Clocked over 1300km on the Surly on yesterday's commute. I really want to increase how much I ride this year. We'll see.

I've started using the M4 cyclepath between Harris Park and Silverwater Rd. Adds a few minutes to my ride, but it's a bit safer and definitely less stressful.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A long-awaited return.

New phone means photos sync onto computer means new posts.
Rachel in the rain, heading to Evan and Nat's.