Sunday, January 8, 2012

New year, new life

So the news alluded to last time is this: Rachel and I are having a baby in May. This is pretty exciting stuff, considering I lost a testicle to cancer last year, and we were about to start fertility treatment just as Rach got pregnant.
Nat and Andy are having their baby today, so we're told. Heather Turk is due in March I think, then Rach, Davvy and Lauren are all due in May. Lots of new little people kicking around soon.
All else is ticking along as normal. Work is a bit boring, hard to find motivation. We lost Leeroy in terrible mix-up, so sad to see him fly off. We got a new budgie, who is coming along okay.
So, ups and downs, but mostly one massively exciting up.
Roll on May!